
Sims 4 default eyes toddler
Sims 4 default eyes toddler

sims 4 default eyes toddler

This is why I said it’s a little harder but just because it’s tedious. You will do this for every single CAS part. So, what you are going to do is select the line that says “CAS part” and then click the box that says “toddler”. Without getting into all the details of the differences between the two, it can still be enabled for toddlers. You open the package and you see the below. Select a different eye color to make sure they all have toddlers enabled. Select OK (or yes, I can’t remember which one it says). You might get a pop-up message that says something about it needing to be updated. Select that and then select apply to all swatches. Right on top, there will be a toddler box. Open the package with Sims4Studio and then navigate to categories. Almost all eyes are under the facepaint category, a few of them also come in default or non default versions (says it in the file name too btw, theyre extremely easy to identify thanks to my new and better sorting system), or heterochromic versions aswell. If they are no longer active, then you can follow the below steps (note: that this will also work for skin details like freckles, moles, blush, scars but not full body skins). These here come all in numerous versions, for female and male sims, toddler-elder. The easiest way to do this is to go back to the creator and see if they updated them. I was recently asked on my tumblr how I enabled custom eyes for toddlers.

Sims 4 default eyes toddler