Windows 10 provides Group Policy and mobile device management (MDM) settings to help you manage Windows Spotlight on enterprise computers. How do you disable Windows Spotlight for managed devices? To turn off Windows Spotlight locally, go to Settings > Personalization > Lock screen > Background > Windows spotlight > select a different lock screen background How do you turn off Windows Spotlight locally? The lock screen background will occasionally make recommendations on how to enhance your productivity and enjoyment of Microsoft products including suggesting other relevant Microsoft products and services. Additional images are downloaded on ongoing basis.

The initial background image is included during installation. The Windows Spotlight displays a new image on the lock screen each day. In Windows 10, version 1703, you can use the Personalization CSP settings to set lock screen and desktop background images. In Windows 10, version 1607, the lock screen background does not display if you disable the Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing setting in This PC > Properties > Advanced system settings > Performance settings > Visual Effects, or if you enable the Group Policy setting Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Desktop Windows Manager > Do not allow windows animations.